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Strategic Marketing and Communications

We’re here to help you promote your program, class, event, service, and more.

Social Media Best Practices

  • Be respectful of others. Whether you are an administrator or a fan/follower, always treat others fairly. Be sensitive to different perspectives and viewpoints and never react in a defensive or hostile manner.
  • Be accurate, honest, and transparent. Make sure you are providing accurate information. Take the time to verify information before it’s posted. If you make an error or need to post a correction or retraction, do so publicly so that others are aware of it. Do not say anything that is dishonest, untrue, or misleading.
  • Respect confidentiality and privacy laws. Use good judgment about content and respect privacy laws. Do not post confidential or proprietary information about the college, its students, its alumni, or staff and faculty. Follow college policies and federal requirements such as FERPA. If in doubt, contact the Marketing and Communications Office for guidance.
  • Don’t violate copyright laws. Follow the laws governing copyright and fair use dealing with copyrighted materials owned by others. It is good practice to give credit to the owner/author/creator for content that is not your own and provide a direct link or URL to that content if possible.
  • Be professional. As an employee, remember that you represent Skagit Valley College. You are the public face of the college and should always consider the intended audience when posting or commenting. Proofread your content prior to posting and try to avoid spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you need help, are uncertain of how to respond to a question or complaint or need advice on how to handle a difficult situation, contact the Executive Director of Strategic Marketing and Communications at 360.416.7957 or [email protected].
  • Think before you post. Once something is posted online, it lives forever. Search engines frequently catalog posts and archive social media content. Don’t make the mistake of posting something that you will regret later or that could negatively impact the college, your current or future career, or your personal reputation.
  • Be responsive. Check back frequently and respond to your fans/followers’ questions and inquiries. Interaction is also key. Be sure to like, share, engage with, and retweet posts.


We’re here to help. Reach out for help with setting up accounts, responding to questions or complaints, advice on how to handle a difficult situation, and more. Contact the director of strategic marketing and communications at 360.416.7957 or [email protected].