INVEST Program

What is INVEST?
The INVEST program at SVC is a comprehensive Post-Secondary Transition Program for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
- Individualized: Each certificate will be adjusted to fit the student’s goals and career choice.
- Next Step: This next step in education will increase independence, self-determination, and competency in: Self-advocacy; Setting and communicating long and short-term goals; Identifying and developing transferable and marketable occupational and job attainment skills;
- Vocational Education: Students will take technical classes related to their career choices.
- Social Skills Training: Students will be involved on campus, in the classroom, and in the community to help build these skills.
Student Eligibility
Students with documented intellectual disabilities are eligible for referral to the INVEST program if they meet the following criteria:
- At least 18 years of age and under 21 years of age;
- Have not met High School Graduation Requirements;
- Student’s IEP notes a need for Transition Services beyond High School to support post-secondary outcomes;
- Ability to attend to personal care needs;
- Ability to safely and independently navigate the college campus after initial orientation and training.
Campus, Classroom, and Community
Through campus, classroom, and vocational training, students will have increased self-advocacy, independence, and competence in:
- Setting and communicating needs, wants, and long and short-term goals;
- Identifying and developing transferable and marketable occupational and job attainment skills;
- Community responsibility and membership through campus activities which foster and support engagement, sustainability, and social reciprocity
- Critical thinking skills including self-reflection of learning and information gathering and analysis; and
- Collaborating effectively with others, demonstrating respect for diversity and global perspectives, and recognizing and responding to varying levels of interpersonal relationships.
Support and Resources
- Intensive Advising
- IEP Support
- Disability Access Services
- Tutoring
Campus Life
- Gym: Fitness Center and Athletics
- Cafeteria
- Theater and Art Gallery
- Clubs
- Student Life and Activities
- Sports