Business Services
College Fees
By registering for classes at Skagit Valley College, students agree to financial responsibilities related to enrollment. This means the student needs to make sure their tuition, mandatory student fees, and course- or program-specific fees are paid in full by the Tuition and Fee Deadline* each term. Tuition and fees are always due two weeks before the quarter starts. Published due dates are on the Important Dates and Deadlines Calendar.
*By the tuition and fee deadline (here), students must have one of the following completed to avoid being dropped due to non-payment.
- Student Financial Account paid in full
- Financial Aid “ready to pay” (meaning: SVC Financial Aid has tagged your account with a positive hold)
- The 1st installment + the enrollment fee to the payment plan are paid in full
If Financial Aid is not “ready to pay” students may consider enrolling in a payment plan and paying the 1st installment + enrollment fee. Once Aid is ready to pay, Aid will take priority over any out of pocket payments. If there are other active charges, the out of pocket payment will go to those charges. If there are no other active charges, the out of pocket payment may be eligible for a refund.
UPDATES IN PROCESS – Old Academic Year Available
SVC has provided this tool for you to determine the cost of your education including the impact of any financial aid award you will be receiving. You will also be advised of the difference between grants, loans, and work-study awards. While all efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the calculator, every student’s situation is different so students are advised to do their own calculations as well.
Tuition at SVC
Tuition is calculated using several factors. The base rate each quarter is calculated on:
- Level of the individual course(s) being taken (meaning: upper vs. lower
division class levels – see below) - The number of enrolled credits (meaning: the number of credits, not
the number of classes being taken) - Residency status (meaning: is the student a Washington state
resident, out-of-state resident, or international resident)
Some individual classes/courses or individual programs will have their own fees. A list of detailed course- and program-specific fees can be found in the 2024-2025 Course Catalog.
Tuition and fees are subject to change by the Washington state legislature and/or the Skagit Valley College Board of Trustees.
SVC may provide reduced rates for military students. Connect with an SVC Residency Specialist or SVC Veterans Programs Specialist to learn more about eligibility qualifications for those rates.
Tuition – Lower Division
Academic Year 2024/2025
This table is meant as a guide for students taking courses below 300-level. Lower division units are usually affiliated with students pursuing an associates or certificate, or a non-degree seeking student.
NOTE: This table does not apply to CCB, ELA, or HSC courses.
For rates, click on the correct tab below based on your residency status.
Credits | Tuition | Fees | Total |
1 | $127.59 | $25.00 | $152.59 |
2 | $255.18 | $50.00 | $305.18 |
3 | $382.77 | $75.00 | $457.77 |
4 | $510.36 | $100.00 | $610.36 |
5 | $637.95 | $125.00 | $762.95 |
6 | $765.54 | $150.00 | $915.54 |
7 | $893.13 | $175.00 | $1,068.13 |
8 | $1,020.72 | $200.00 | $1,220.72 |
9 | $1,148.31 | $220.00 | $1,368.31 |
10 | $1,275.90 | $240.00 | $1,515.90 |
11 | $1,338.86 | $258.50 | $1,597.36 |
12 | $1,401.82 | $277.00 | $1,678.82 |
13 | $1,464.78 | $295.50 | $1,760.28 |
14 | $1,527.74 | $314.00 | $1,841.74 |
15 | $1,590.70 | $332.50 | $1,923.20 |
16 | $1,653.66 | $345.50 | $1,999.16 |
17 | $1,716.62 | $358.50 | $2,075.12 |
18 | $1,779.58 | $371.50 | $2,151.08 |
19 | $1,894.05 | $384.50 | $2,278.55 |
20 | $2,008.52 | $397.50 | $2,406.02 |
21 | $2,122.99 | $410.50 | $2,533.49 |
Credits | Tuition | Fees | Total |
1 | $191.38 | $25.00 | $216.38 |
2 | $382.76 | $50.00 | $432.76 |
3 | $574.14 | $75.00 | $649.14 |
4 | $765.52 | $100.00 | $865.52 |
5 | $956.90 | $125.00 | $1,081.90 |
6 | $1,148.28 | $150.00 | $1,298.28 |
7 | $1,339.66 | $175.00 | $1,514.66 |
8 | $1,531.04 | $200.00 | $1,731.04 |
9 | $1,722.42 | $220.00 | $1,942.42 |
10 | $1,913.80 | $240.00 | $2,153.80 |
11 | $1,983.16 | $258.50 | $2,241.66 |
12 | $2,052.52 | $277.00 | $2,329.52 |
13 | $2,121.88 | $295.50 | $2,417.38 |
14 | $2,191.24 | $314.00 | $2,505.24 |
15 | $2,260.60 | $332.50 | $2,593.10 |
16 | $2,329.96 | $345.50 | $2,675.46 |
17 | $2,399.32 | $358.50 | $2,757.82 |
18 | $2,468.68 | $371.50 | $2,840.18 |
19 | $2,633.29 | $384.50 | $3,017.79 |
20 | $2,797.90 | $397.50 | $3,195.40 |
21 | $2,962.51 | $410.50 | $3,373.01 |
If you are using Veteran benefits (like the Post 9/11 GI Bill ®): To start the process of enrollment, connect with the SVC Veterans Education Office.
Credits | Tuition | Fees | Total |
1 | $99.66 | $0.00 | $99.66 |
2 | $199.32 | $0.00 | $199.32 |
3 | $298.98 | $0.00 | $298.98 |
4 | $398.64 | $0.00 | $398.64 |
5 | $498.30 | $0.00 | $498.30 |
6 | $597.96 | $0.00 | $597.96 |
7 | $697.62 | $0.00 | $697.62 |
8 | $797.28 | $0.00 | $797.28 |
9 | $896.94 | $0.00 | $896.94 |
10 | $996.60 | $0.00 | $996.60 |
11 | $1,046.75 | $0.00 | $1,046.75 |
12 | $1,096.90 | $0.00 | $1,096.90 |
13 | $1,147.05 | $0.00 | $1,147.05 |
14 | $1,197.20 | $0.00 | $1,197.20 |
15 | $1,247.35 | $0.00 | $1,247.35 |
16 | $1,297.50 | $0.00 | $1,297.50 |
17 | $1,347.65 | $0.00 | $1,347.65 |
18 | $1,397.80 | $0.00 | $1,397.80 |
19 | $1,512.27 | $0.00 | $1,512.27 |
20 | $1,626.74 | $0.00 | $1,626.74 |
21 | $1,741.21 | $0.00 | $1,741.21 |
Credits | Tuition | Fees | Total |
1 | $328.13 | $25.00 | $353.13 |
2 | $656.26 | $50.00 | $706.26 |
3 | $984.39 | $75.00 | $1,059.39 |
4 | $1,312.52 | $100.00 | $1,412.52 |
5 | $1,640.65 | $125.00 | $1,765.65 |
6 | $1,968.78 | $150.00 | $2,118.78 |
7 | $2,296.91 | $175.00 | $2,471.91 |
8 | $2,625.04 | $200.00 | $2,825.04 |
9 | $2,953.17 | $220.00 | $3,173.17 |
10 | $3,281.30 | $240.00 | $3,521.30 |
11 | $3,352.46 | $258.50 | $3,610.96 |
12 | $3,423.62 | $277.00 | $3,700.62 |
13 | $3,494.78 | $295.50 | $3,790.28 |
14 | $3,565.94 | $314.00 | $3,879.94 |
15 | $3,637.10 | $332.50 | $3,969.60 |
16 | $3,708.26 | $345.50 | $4,053.76 |
17 | $3,779.42 | $358.50 | $4,137.92 |
18 | $3,850.58 | $371.50 | $4,222.08 |
19 | $4,165.59 | $384.50 | $4,550.09 |
20 | $4,480.60 | $397.50 | $4,878.10 |
21 | $4,795.61 | $410.50 | $5,206.11 |
Tuition – Upper Division
Academic Year 2024/2025
This table is meant as a guide for students taking courses above the 300-level. Upper division units are usually affiliated with students pursuing an bachelors degree. SVC currently offers three bachelors programs:
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Conservation
Bachelor of Applied Science: Management
For rates, click on the correct tab below based on your residency status.
Credits | Tuition | Fees* | Total |
1 | $247.61 | $25.00 | $272.61 |
2 | $495.22 | $50.00 | $545.22 |
3 | $742.83 | $75.00 | $817.83 |
4 | $990.44 | $100.00 | $1,090.44 |
5 | $1,238.05 | $125.00 | $1,363.05 |
6 | $1,485.66 | $150.00 | $1,635.66 |
7 | $1,733.27 | $175.00 | $1,908.27 |
8 | $1,980.88 | $200.00 | $2,180.88 |
9 | $2,228.49 | $220.00 | $2,448.49 |
10 | $2,476.10 | $240.00 | $2,716.10 |
11 | $2,488.91 | $258.50 | $2,747.41 |
12 | $2,501.72 | $277.00 | $2,778.72 |
13 | $2,514.53 | $295.50 | $2,810.03 |
14 | $2,527.34 | $314.00 | $2,841.34 |
15 | $2,540.15 | $332.50 | $2,872.65 |
16 | $2,552.96 | $345.50 | $2,898.46 |
17 | $2,565.77 | $358.50 | $2,924.27 |
18 | $2,578.58 | $371.50 | $2,950.08 |
19 | $2,813.07 | $384.50 | $3,197.57 |
20 | $3,047.56 | $397.50 | $3,445.06 |
21 | $3,282.05 | $410.50 | $3,692.55 |
Credits | Tuition | Fees* | Total |
1 | $373.26 | $25.00 | $398.26 |
2 | $746.52 | $50.00 | $796.52 |
3 | $1,119.78 | $75.00 | $1,194.78 |
4 | $1,493.04 | $100.00 | $1,593.04 |
5 | $1,866.30 | $125.00 | $1,991.30 |
6 | $2,239.56 | $150.00 | $2,389.56 |
7 | $2,612.82 | $175.00 | $2,787.82 |
8 | $2,986.08 | $200.00 | $3,186.08 |
9 | $3,359.34 | $220.00 | $3,579.34 |
10 | $3,732.60 | $240.00 | $3,972.60 |
11 | $3,745.41 | $258.50 | $4,003.91 |
12 | $3,758.22 | $277.00 | $4,035.22 |
13 | $3,771.03 | $295.50 | $4,066.53 |
14 | $3,783.84 | $314.00 | $4,097.84 |
15 | $3,796.65 | $332.50 | $4,129.15 |
16 | $3,809.46 | $345.50 | $4,154.96 |
17 | $3,822.27 | $358.50 | $4,180.77 |
18 | $3,835.08 | $371.50 | $4,206.58 |
19 | $4,181.57 | $384.50 | $4,566.07 |
20 | $4,528.06 | $397.50 | $4,925.56 |
21 | $4,874.55 | $410.50 | $5,285.05 |
If you are using Veteran benefits (like the Post 9/11 GI Bill ®): To start the process of enrollment, connect with the SVC Veterans Education Office.
Credits | Tuition | Fees* | Total |
1 | $219.68 | $0.00 | $219.68 |
2 | $439.36 | $0.00 | $439.36 |
3 | $659.04 | $0.00 | $659.04 |
4 | $878.72 | $0.00 | $878.72 |
5 | $1,098.40 | $0.00 | $1,098.40 |
6 | $1,318.08 | $0.00 | $1,318.08 |
7 | $1,537.76 | $0.00 | $1,537.76 |
8 | $1,757.44 | $0.00 | $1,757.44 |
9 | $1,977.12 | $0.00 | $1,977.12 |
10 | $2,196.80 | $0.00 | $2,196.80 |
11 | $2,196.80 | $0.00 | $2,196.80 |
12 | $2,196.80 | $0.00 | $2,196.80 |
13 | $2,196.80 | $0.00 | $2,196.80 |
14 | $2,196.80 | $0.00 | $2,196.80 |
15 | $2,196.80 | $0.00 | $2,196.80 |
16 | $2,196.80 | $0.00 | $2,196.80 |
17 | $2,196.80 | $0.00 | $2,196.80 |
18 | $2,196.80 | $0.00 | $2,196.80 |
19 | $2,431.29 | $0.00 | $2,431.29 |
20 | $2,665.78 | $0.00 | $2,665.78 |
21 | $2,900.27 | $0.00 | $2,900.27 |
Credits | Tuition | Fees* | Total |
1 | $695.59 | $25.00 | $720.59 |
2 | $1,391.18 | $50.00 | $1,441.18 |
3 | $2,086.77 | $75.00 | $2,161.77 |
4 | $2,782.36 | $100.00 | $2,882.36 |
5 | $3,477.95 | $125.00 | $3,602.95 |
6 | $4,173.54 | $150.00 | $4,323.54 |
7 | $4,869.13 | $175.00 | $5,044.13 |
8 | $5,564.72 | $200.00 | $5,764.72 |
9 | $6,260.31 | $220.00 | $6,480.31 |
10 | $6,955.90 | $240.00 | $7,195.90 |
11 | $6,969.68 | $258.50 | $7,228.18 |
12 | $6,983.46 | $277.00 | $7,260.46 |
13 | $6,997.24 | $295.50 | $7,292.74 |
14 | $7,011.02 | $314.00 | $7,325.02 |
15 | $7,024.80 | $332.50 | $7,357.30 |
16 | $7,038.58 | $345.50 | $7,384.08 |
17 | $7,052.36 | $358.50 | $7,410.86 |
18 | $7,066.14 | $371.50 | $7,437.64 |
19 | $7,748.61 | $384.50 | $8,133.11 |
20 | $8,431.08 | $397.50 | $8,828.58 |
21 | $9,113.55 | $410.50 | $9,524.05 |
All Students – Mandatory Fees
All students are assigned mandatory student fees based on the number of enrolled credits being taken in a quarter. Students will always see these four fees. You can learn more about the mandatory student fees below.
$5.00 per credit | $40.00 maximum
Pays for but not limited to:
- Student-use technology
- Computers and staffing for general computer labs
- Student email
- Other emerging technology enhancements
$1.50 per credit | $15.00 maximum
Pays for but not limited to:
- Student facilities at the college
- Remodeled Cardinal Center building on Mount Vernon campus
- Improvements to student facilities on the Whidbey Island campus
- Improvement to student facilities at South Whidbey and San Juan Center
$5.50 per credit | $82.40 maximum
Pays for but not limited to:
- Placement testing as students enter the college
- Unlimited transcript requests prior to and after graduation
- A yearly parking permit decal at the Mount Vernon campus
$13.00 per credit | No maximum
Pays for but not limited to:
- Technology related costs
- Classroom technology and laptops
- Academic software licenses
- Technical assistance for students
- Instructional design and programming
- Classroom, faculty, and staff computers
Some Students – Other Fees
Students are responsible for paying any course- or program-specific fees, or non-tuition related fees. These fees are not listed in mandatory student fees because they are not charged to all students. These fees are specific to a class or program, or they are required when a student “opts in.” Examples of opting in to a fee includes but is not limited to:
- Tuition Payment Plan Enrollment Fee
- Parking Fees/Fines
- Library Fines for Lost Books/Equipment
- Fitness Center Fee
- Name Tag Replacement (Nursing students)
- Student ID Card Replacement
A list of all fees can be found in the 2024-2025 Academic Catalog.
I’ve decided to attend SVC – how do I pay?
Great – we look forward to seeing you! You may find our Student Financial Account website helpful. It has FAQs for common questions that our Student Financial Team receives each quarter. The Student Financial Account website talks about charges, payments and payment plans, deadlines, refunds, funding, and other miscellaneous things related to student financial accounts.